Monday, November 23, 2015

Overwatch's Beta Stress Test Weekend

So I was chosen out of a lot of people to try Overwatch's first Beta Test Weekend this week and boy was I excited. When I saw someone from my guild say they just got the invite, I immediately scurried to my email to check and there it was. The invitation to play Overwatch for this weekend. Could not believe it!

I'm first going to jot down all my likes and dislikes for every character that I play. I know that I should definitely get a feel for every character so I'm not just sticking to one, however, I already have a good vibe with two characters. Everyone is going to have a favorite.

These first four characters are listed in who I definitely enjoyed playing as:

Mercy - Support
When I first saw Overwatch at Blizzcon two years ago, for some reason I grew really attached to the character "Mercy" seeing how she's literally THE healer of the game. There are other supporting characters and there are other healers, but she focuses mostly on healing. Mercy is a great character and the first that I wanted to try out, but holy cow is she basically useless. I know the purpose of a healer, they're always weaker than everyone else and they normally use weapons that are not strong whatsoever. In my opinion, for this game though, that shouldn't be the case.

You see, as a person who mains a priest in World of Warcraft, healing is just something you do, just keep everyone's health up and that's it. Very little do you engage in battle. But with this kind of game it should be a little different. There are other healers in this game that do so much other fun stuff that they can survive in battle. Mercy, however, cannot whatsoever. You switch to her pistol, it does nothing to the enemies. The only time you could probably land a kill is either you managed to get someone when their health is below 10% or the person sucks at what they're doing. It's pretty much the most useless thing on her.

Yes, I understand this character. She is the kind of character that you DO NOT engage in battle with, but she has nothing to defend herself which is kind of a downer. Put her up against anyone one on one, she'll lose basically all the time unless you're THAT good in defending yourself. Mercy should either have her pistol do more damage to enemies or she should have something else in her defense that could make her better. I really do feel that she should have SOME offensive thing on her so that she can have something to use if she's in a position where she's away from her team and someone's on her.

I have had matches where I either have died once or haven't died at all. So there are good games out there that you have to give a chance. She's really just the only character who cannot be by themselves... WHICH SUCKS!!! :-P
Widowmaker - Defense
Widowmaker is such an awesome character.  I'll admit, I'm a huge Call of Duty fan. The reason being is that I am a sucker for first-person shooters and I like online games. Sometimes, when I don't feel like constantly engaging people around, I rely on sniping and to be honest, you don't want me to. Back in Advance Warfare, you put me in the map Sideshow, I can rack up at least ten instant kills without dying easily. The moment I saw this game was to have a sniper, I shrieked in joy. I found her to be extremely deadly on the map "King's Row" because this is basically THE sniping map of the game so far. How no other sniper that I've came across have realized that is beyond me.

She has a lot to defend herself with since her rifle can also turn into an automatic. Sure, she doesn't have a lot of ammo to play with but you're not really supposed to engage in close counters with the opposing team with her, so don't use the automatic unless you really have to.  Don't get carried away in thinking she can handle face-to-face combat after sniping for a while. She's not necessarily the kind of character that can easily win unless you land all your attacks on your opponent and they can't heal. Otherwise, just stay at a distance. Your only REAL enemies are opposing snipers.

Her Venom Mine that she blasts out also works extremely well on that payload ship that flies around when you're in possession of it, or underneath obstacles that people won't see easily. Although it mostly will kill weaker characters, it does have its uses towards characters who can endure more damage. It'll basically weaken them and then just immediately go for the kill (as long as your teammates don't take the advantage). Heck, there are times where it kills someone out of the blue. Just keep in mind, it's can easily be destroyed so don't place it out in the open.
Tracer - Offense
Tracer, wow is she fun to play. She's the kind of character I can see me going to every time I don't feel like being the healer. Tracer is obviously your typical fast playing character who is prone to getting damaged real easily, so you have to plan ahead before you just immediately head into battle. Sure you can charge in and just blink away, but you do have people who can react fast, so be prepared that your enemies could catch on to your movement.

She also has the ability to heal herself depending on when you use her Recall. If you used it right after you got hurt, she can heal herself back to full health just like that. Of course, if you use it during a time you haven't gotten attack, then there's nothing to regain. I find her Recall to be used better when you're against one other person. Otherwise you'll just be bombarded with bullets from all over and you can't regain from that. You can still be attacked while you're recalling, so use it when you really have to and avoid it when there's a lot of people targeting you.

The Pulse Bomb is also useful when you're against a bunch of enemies. Just drop it when they're not expecting it and get the heck out of there. Like D.Va's special ability, your bomb can kill you too if you're close enough, which is sort of a set back. The best part is that you can stick the bomb on opposing people, so if you managed to do that, instant kill for you. Extra points if they're near teammates and they get killed by it too.

Basically, to sum her up, she's a character that many should get behind. She can easily take care of herself if she's in a sticky situation since she can blink three times before it has to recharge. So take advantage of that and you'll do fine!
Winston - Tank
For some reason, I don't see too many Winston players and I don't know why. He's a really awesome tank character because of the ability to swipe players away from each other. That's the one thing I've noticed in this game, a lot of players tend to stick together a lot. The obvious are the supporting characters since they have the least amount of health. The moment you use Winston and separate them from their teammates, you have them killed as long as they don't get away from you.

Don't get too cocky with Winston. Despite that he can take a great amount of damage, you're a huge character that's a perfect target for snipers. Luckily when I kept using him, I fought against a team that had no sniping characters. But even so, other offensive characters can take your size into consideration and just demolish you if you don't take care of them. The moment you use your Jump Pack, it stuns characters for a split second that if you don't take advantage of, you're not going to take them down that easily. It messes a lot of players up when you toss them in the air, basically they have to re-position themselves on you to take you down. That's the best part about Winston.

It gets even better when you use Primal Rage. You're just tossing everyone back and forth, and if you keep at it on one person, it's hysterical. I find it dumb to use it against just one person if no one on their team is around. His special is basically awesome when the opposing team are all together. I'd totally save his special until the entire opposing team comes at you at once. Then they're just bowling pins the moment you turn into Chaos from Primal Rage... Eh, bad analogy.

The rest of the characters are listed in no particular order.
Zenyetta - Support
Zenyetta is just an odd character but his heals are awesome. In my opinion, I think he has the best heals out of all that can heal just because you can throw your orb at anyone and it just restores their health instantly, where Mercy's healing ability takes time to get your health back up. So if you have to choose based on who can heal better, choose Zenyetta.

While it's not recommended that you fight someone without anyone near you since you only have 150 health, I will say that at least Zenyetta can hold a fight on his own. He can perform a charge-up move that could either kill you instantly or reduce your health to 10% almost if he successfully hits you, and of course he has an ability that can be used against the opposing team.

If you're the kind of person that wants to heal the team and also carry out a fight or two, then he's obviously your character. For me though, I really didn't get that much of a like, but of course that's just me. Something about him just didn't click so I didn't really play as him that much. But from what I did do, he's pretty cool.
D.Va - Tank
I'll admit, I don't like this character despite that so many decide to go with her. What's not to like? She has unlimited ammo so she can't reload, her special ability has the largest radius out, she can block projectiles. What do I not like? I just think she's not the best tank in the game. I prefer Winston over her any time.

While yes she has unlimited ammo and doesn't reload, she moves so slow during so. I guess that has to be the setback with her. Her bullets don't go far either. When I first played as her, I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get people off of ledges, realized immediately that she can't shoot far. I didn't care for that at all.

While her special ability is probably one of the best, and basically the cheapest, it also has to be timed carefully. The moment you eject out of your suit, you better get away otherwise you'll kill yourself. Like Tracer's special, you have to be extra careful near it. However, if you time it perfectly, you could literally wipe the entire opposing team. So there's that good part of her.

However, the moment you're out of your suit, you BETTER make sure a healer is near you, or you're hiding from battle. D.Va has nothing to offer once she's out of her suit. Having only 150 health and a measly little pistol, D.Va can't offer anything when she's outside her suit. Yeah, you can get lucky with a kill or two if you're engaging someone when they're not looking, but you really need your suit in order to survive. As I said, I prefer Winston over her. She's just not my cup of tea.
Symmetra - Support
Eh, Symmetra is the kind of character that you're either going to enjoy playing as or just feel like handing her off to someone else. She's a different kind of supporter character that doesn't heal you, but offers you shields and a teleporter to use to get from your spawn base closer towards the objective. This comes in handy in definitely because you get sent all the way back to your base and it takes a bit to get to where everyone else is at. So if you have a Symmetra on your team, be thankful that she can help you get back into the fight if you get killed.

Her turrets are useful if you're the kind of person who grew up playing Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. You know what I'm talking about. Those proximity mines, yeah. Attach her turret in some cheap spot and there you go. Unless your opponents can react quickly, those turrets will take out majority of their health within seconds. The only problem is that you are limited in where you put them. I tried putting them in spots I thought no one would be able to find and I couldn't place them there. So there's that to put up with. They're also useful against characters who uses shields of their own. Get behind them, put a turret down quickly, and they'll get hurt.

Like I said, you'll either like her or pass her up for someone else. She's not that difficult to play as, but you need to be on your heels during the entire match trying to keep your turrets up as well as shielding your teammates. She doesn't do that much damage on her own, but she can be a killing machine with those turrets of hers. Also, ALWAYS keep your teleporter up. The moment you get that special up, use it, and definitely put it in a spot that the enemy wouldn't get to so quickly, but close enough for your teammates to get back into the fight.
Torbjorn - Defense
This character, all you have to do, is just rely on your turret and that is it. You could practically do nothing but keep your turret up at all times and not move or fire at anyone. Of course, what's the fun in just sitting but still.

Ducking behind your level three turret  with it placed next to a wall while keeping the enemies at bay from capturing the objective you're practically untouchable depending on who you have on your team. If you have as Bastion, you're set. Just plop right next to him and you two are untouchable. These two work together perfectly.

To be honest, I didn't play as him too much because he's not really a character I find interesting. He's got a cool concept by just building a turret every now and then, but I like to roam more than just staying put. So if you're the kind of player that doesn't want to move around during the battles, Torbjorn is your kind of character.
Zarya - Tank
I've tried to like her, but I just don't like Zarya. I think out of all the characters, she got me the least amount of kills against the opposing team. I don't know what was wrong, I just could not get the hang of her.

Her particle cannon can either shoot a beam that, in my opinion, does hardly anything, or blast away doing better damage as well as blasting people around a bit. I feel like she hardly can deal damage towards anyone. I just could not kill that many when I was playing as well.

Her other abilities is to either shield herself or shield her teammates. That's it. That's all her other abilities are. The shield doesn't last that long for both abilities. I really don't have that much to say about her with this part.

Graviton Surge is like this: The moment you use it on the opposing team, it'll grab everyone within range and make them stay there. You better have someone on your team that can wipe those who are caught becuase I know that Zarya won't do that trick unless you keep using the secondary function on her particle cannon. That's it.

You can tell I really didn't care for this character. I decided to not play her that much after three battles. Sorry Zarya fans, I just didn't like her.

Soldier: 76 - Offense
Soldier: 76 is basically the easiest characters to get behind. He's Mario from Super Smash. A character that anyone can basically play and be an expert within the first few seconds. He can heal himself, he can deal heavy and medium damage to enemies, he can also move faster. I believe he has the most abilities out of everyone.

Granted that you have to wait a few seconds to use his rockets, they're still very handy to use against those who are trying to snipe you down or someone you need to separate such as the healers. His weapon is your typical automatic so you have a good arsenal. The fact that he can heal himself is also good because if you're stuck in a corner all you have to do is plop it and you're covered. The guy who has you pinned down has nothing (unless they're by a health pick-up). So you're good no matter what.

His special helps targets all of the enemies around you and can take them out in a peach. I managed to take down four people in a row with it (however it did not get Play of the Game which sucked). All it does is lock down on your enemies and you can take them out one-by-one. Like I said, easiest character to play as. There's really nothing else to say about him.
Roadhog - Tank
First thing I'm going to say... I like that he can heal himself. Wow does that come in handy. A tank character that can heal themselves... Yeah, I don't think I can really complain that much about his character. I will say that as I was playing as him, I did get targeted a heck of a lot more than I do as the other tank characters.

You HAVE to time his chain hook perfectly, otherwise you're not going to get anyone which SUCKS. Just throw it out there towards a weaker character and then go in for the shotgun BOOM. Basically, your best chance of pulling this move off is if you find an unlucky sniper or someone who just doesn't seem to notice you. Otherwise it's not worth wasting this ability away on a character that is roaming around a lot. Chances are, you'll miss.

When I first looked at this character, I knew this character is going to have some hard times because of how huge he is. Snipers are going to love targeting you because of just how big you are and since you move at an average speed, you're not really going to get out of the way. Unless you have Lucio on your team and he gives you a speed boost. You just have to keep an eye on who's who on the opposing team. If you have a sniper against you, remember where they could hide and go after them first, because they're going to take you out faster than those charging right in your face.

Reinhardt - Tank
I don't think I've played one match where he wasn't present. Wow do people enjoy playing as him and I can see why. First off, his shield is practically the cheapest thing any character can possess. But it's also one of the most useful towards your teammates, especially if they're your healers. He's wicked strong too since he can whip enemies around when you're swinging your hammer. Enemies will run the moment Reinhardt is on their tail. But, don't do what I do and chase one measly person because they got around your shield. I don't recommend that. You'll get the kill, obviously, but you need to withstand the damage for your team instead of chasing measly little offensive characters to a corner and bashing them till they're dead.

His Charge ability is like Roadhog's chain. Timing is crucial if you want to use it against someone. It'll instantly kill the supporters and some offensive and it'll stun other tanks. I found myself using it and then an enemy walks right into it on accident. Those are the best when that happens because it's just giving you an instant kill. So, if you have to use it, use it, otherwise, wait until some unsuspecting opponent comes into your line of sight.

His special is also another that needs to be timed perfectly as well. He has the ability to stun people all around him. So, just like the other tanks, you want to use this when the opposing team are all together. The moment you're in range, blast that away and watch everyone drop to their knees. You can fly in for more kills if the move itself didn't kill anyone.

Out of all the tanks, he's my second to go, first Winston, then him. He also has some funny remarks to say every now and then. 

Reaper - Offense
Reaper is a great in-yo-face fighter. In all the games that I've played him as, I really never had a hard time. Although I will say, my first time I had no clue that he could teleport, whoops. But that's what you get when you're playing a character for the first time. I really like that he can hold his own against a lot of the characters, seeing how with two-three blasts of his gun can kill you.

He's Blossom is a bit tricky to pull off greatly. Yeah you can whip it out whenever you want, but the problem is that if everyone is basically targeting you before you do the special, then you're out of luck in getting someone (unless by some chance they're low on health). I've seen various players use his special at just horrible times. I've yet to see anyone get "Play of the Game" with them performing their special, and usually Play of the Game always has someone using their special.

Reaper also has the ability to enter a Wraith form that allows him to be immune to damage but he cannot attack. It also gives him a slight speed boost as well. I use it when I have at least more than two on me and I know I'm near a health pack. It's not really the kind of ability to time it since you can use it even against just one person, but I definitely wouldn't waste it.

I will say that I have encountered some cheap Reaper players, and one who I give credit to towards the end of this blog. 

McCree - Offense
If no one sees that it's this game's Jim Reynor, you're blind as a bat. To me, he's mediocre, not really my kind of character. I like that you can either shoot one bullet at a time or he can empty all of the chambers, but I prefer if he had another pistol.

That Concussion Bomb that he has can be brutal if you know when to time it (Yes, I know that everything needs to be timed). But this bomb is basically giving you the instant kill if you land it. It stuns the one person you're targeting and you can just aim right at the head for the kill. Even the tips tell you that.

I think he could have used a different ability other than that Roll. Oh, it magically reloads your gun, that is it. Maybe useful to roll backwards out of a fight and into a room, but other than that I find it incredibly pointless to have unless I'm just not getting the concept behind it. They could have totally given him something else, such as a bullet ricocheting like Hanzo's arrow, I mean for crying out loud he has a revolver!!! Ever heard of Revolver Ocelot from Metal Gear Solid? Snake Eater, he takes out a few enemy soldiers by having his bullets ricocheting off of objects. HAVE THAT FOR HIM!!! It'll be even more useful since his bullets have such a long range. I was taken out by a McCree while I was sniping from afar because of the distance the bullets can travel.

His special is nothing... er special, it doesn't require skill or timing, you just need to have people in your sight and that's it. You target all of the opponents and you can either wait for a few seconds to start blasting to get instant kills, or start blasting away and start damaging people. It's like a "pick your poison" kind of special. Are you the kind that waits for better damage or do you just want to get the job done? It's a pretty useful special for him, I will give McCree that.
Lucio - Support
He's a fast moving character that heals you or gives you a speed boost. I don't know why but when I first saw this character, I never thought of him as a supporter, and many people weren't really that into him, but he's very popular from what I've seen through the beta. A lot of people choose him for the supporter. Lucio's special gives you a temporary shield if you're close to him in range. So not only does he heal you, not only does he give you speed, he can also give you protection. He's a pretty decent supporter character.

The weapon that he has is one of those guns that I can't enjoy in any shooter. Those three-round burst guns. I just have never been a fan of them nor will I. I hate that his gun does that. He does have another function to the gun and that it blasts away people. So, in a tank way, he can separate people easily with that secondary function. So if you're finding yourself in a pickle where people are ganging up on you or you see a healer healing their teammate, blast away and watch them fly.

Oh, and he has rollerskates. You can't go wrong with rollerskates.

Junkrat - Defense
This character is nuts in a good way.

Having traps is always a good thing in my books. One of them is triggered when an enemy walks on it, the other can be detonated by him which can either damage enemies or actually make him pop up into the air. He's basically a planning character, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to place traps in a useful way. Like Symmetra, just take advantage of your surroundings and place your traps wherever you think will be useful and watch away.

Junkrat's special is like D.Va's and Tracer's. The moment you detonate his explosive, you better not be by the blast. Every Junkrat player I've seen, they do run off and hide before performing. I have taken out a few Junkrats who get careless in performing their special. He doesn't even need to set the thing loose. The moment he calls out, aim your sights on him and just blow the thing up.

The fact that his gun blasts out bouncing rockets is useful because the moment you die, you could literally get a kill once you're dead because you still have bombs bouncing around. If you're lucky enough, that will happen. At first, I could never figure out why killing him also killed me. I had no clue about the bombs dropping after his death until I read up on him. So in case if anyone still was a bit clueless on what killed them after you killed a Junkrat player, it's Junkrat.

He's pretty fun if you want some crazy character. I totally would be behind him.
Hanzo - Defense
He's literally my enemy whenever I play as Widowmaker. Like her, he has a charged-up shot that can instantly kill you if aimed at the head but his is actually more deadly than Widowmaker's bullet in my opinion. When I tried him out though, I didn't like the way he was played. I prefer Widowmaker over him for me. I guess it's because I played her for far too long that I couldn't really do anything with him.

The one thing he definitely has an advantage over Widowmaker, which in my opinion I think should have been given to her, is that he has the ability to blast out a sonar arrow that marks nearby enemies. Widowmaker has a special that does that, he has an arrow that can be used every so often. I don't really see the fairness but oh well. His other ability is that he has a ricochet arrow that can bounce off of a few walls. Then you have his special that has him blasting out this giant dragon that slowly damages enemies. You can't control it so you, once again, need to time it and not just waste it.

I've seen really awesome Hanzo players, and he and Widowmaker are basically the best snipers in the game. If you're Widowmaker, chances are you're going to have a Hanzo against you, and be prepared to have a "who's the better sniper" game, because that is literally all that you're going to be doing towards each other. Like I said, I couldn't get behind this character, mainly because I played Widowmaker more than him, so if you're the kind that likes this guy, cudos because you give me one hell of a game.
Bastion - Defense
Yeah, I can see why he's definitely a fan favorite for right now. All I keep seeing players do is find a nice corner to plop down near, turn into the turret mode, and just spray away. I've seen teams have two of him, usually in Hanamura because it's easier to turtle in that arena.

This character is like Torbjorn in which there's pretty much nothing to do other than sitting and waiting for the opponents to come near. What's best about him is that he has a shield when he turns into a siege tank, and since most of the time you're in the corner, you have a shield all around you. His shield doesn't go all the way around him, which in my opinion is probably the best thing for him since he's already the cheapest character in the game.

You can use his special whenever you want, but I definitely prefer him using it when you have the whole enemy team in sight. That way, you can wipe them out with no problem. I didn't play as him as much as the others because I can sit and snipe all day with Widowmaker.
Pharah - Offense
Pharah is definitely a powerhouse since those rockets of hers can make her seem like a deadly character. She can fly which helps her greatly in getting out of situations such as the opposing team gangs up on her or if she has someone sniping her down. The best part is that she has an ability that can take down shields. So I definitely would recommend having her on the team if you see the opposing team having characters that can shield themselves.

Of course, her special is widely known. Who can't forget JUSTICE REIGNS FROM ABOVE? The problem is that her special can instantly be cut short if someone gets her in time, meaning you just wasted a whole special for nothing. Again, timing is key with her special. I've seen some good Pharah users whip it out and nailing at least three out of five teammates of mine... Or, othertimes, I have someone pissed off at me because I sniped them too many times and they waste their special just on me.
Genji - Offense
Another in-your-face kind of character. He also does what Lucio does with his gun and that's blast out three throwing stars at a time. So of course you can tell I'm not that big of a fan already. Another use of his throwing stars is that he can throw all three at the same time that flies out in a fan but I could never find a good time to use that.

His two abilities are useful if you're fighting one-on-one with someone. He's basically one of the best characters to take out one person at a time. I definitely don't recommend him going after multiple at once. You got someone shooting you down, immediately use the Deflect ability to make them shoot themselves if they keep on attacking you. Then use the Swift Strike to hopefully finish them off if they're the kind that keeps thinking you won't deflect all of their bullets. And hey, if you didn't finish them off with that, Dragonblade can work in your favor.

I'm not real interested in him, I have seen other plays do extremely well with him so if you're the kind that likes to pick off players one at a time, he's your character.
Mei - Defense
This character is odd. She can shield her teammates in a very creative way by using her Ice Wall, or use it in defense by preventing the opposing team from entering a room. I haven't really encounter any cheap Mei characters, because let's be honest, if you know how to use her very well she can be so cheap it's not even funny.

The fact that she can freeze people instantly makes her cheap. She can do it in two ways, one is very slow so you have to be on that person at all times in order to get them stuck, or she can just use her special and freeze more than one person. Also, she can heal herself from time to time, basically she does what Mages do in World of Warcraft which is freeze themselves for a limited time and not be able to cast. But with her, she's also getting healed. So that's even better what mages can do.

I'm surprised I don't see her get played as much as she should be because she can be wicked evil if she's played very strategically. I mean her special ability doesn't need to be timed, I could see people using it on just one person that's annoying them or whatever. She's not hard to pick up at all.

However, I can definitely see annoying Mei players screwing their teammates up. I've had a few Mei teammates who blocks my line of sight because they feel like placing a wall right in front of me. She's definitely a character trolls can get behind to tick their teammates off.
Stuff I Liked:

* Switching heroes in the spawning room is awesome. I'm glad this game has this ability. Referring to Call of Duty again, Black Ops 3 has different characters you can choose from, and each of them has two different specials. Maybe you happened to pick the wrong ability, or the wrong character. You can't switch during mid-game. The only thing you can switch is your gun loadout. With Overwatch, you can choose whoever you want to be as long as you're in the spawn room. You can't change out of this room, which is understandable. I do think this is one of the better options to throw into this game. Thank you for that!

* I don't remember the username, but I do remember that you were a Reaper player. To the guy who teleported on the statue in King's Row with the opposing team's Widowmaker on it (which was me) and performing your special, instantly killing me... Cudos.

* The Easter Eggs. Fighters of the Storm in Hanamura? Hysterical. Shooting the Murloc and hearing him gurgle? I can't get enough of it.

* I'm glad they made certain areas of a level unreachable. I was trying to find all the perfect spots to just hide and snipe and the spots I wanted to be in, I couldn't stand on. Thank you for not giving people that opportunity. I hate it in Call of Duty, I would have hated it if I saw it in this game.

* Talking through headsets. Hopefully more people rely on that in the future.

* Pressing "T" near a wall or floor gives you the ability to spray pain the Overwatch logo. I didn't test it out on all the characters but I read that Torbjorn does something different. It would be cool to get the ability to spray paint other stuff like it's an unlockable thing.

* You can take people out the moment the doors from the bases open. I think I've pissed off a few number of people by taking them out right as the match begins.
Stuff I Didn't Like:
 There's not that much I really can complain about, however I do have some. Please keep in mind, this is solely based on my opinion so don't let this bother you.

* D.Va's robot explosion radius. It's so freaking huge!!!

* I also don't care for multiple characters on the same team. If we're able to have multiple characters per team, I would suggest keeping the maximum at two. I've been on teams where there's three Symmetra's. I've been on teams with another Widowmaker. Yeah, I don't really like that we can have multiple characters for the team. I can definitely see the trolls doing this. Two Reinhardt's or two Bastion's is so cheap (the team was defeated, but still cheap).

* I'm not sure if it was the computer that I was on or if it was from the game, but sometimes when Mei performs her special and there's a bunch of players around the game does lag a bit. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who experience this (and if it is then it's definitely the computer I was on), but it drove me nuts. The lag wasn't terrible, it was just annoying.

* When you die, you often have to take such a long time to get back into the fight if you don't have a Symmetra or Lucio on your team. Could there be some sort of five second boost after death?
Things I Would Like To See:

* Since Blizzcon showed us that there are some characters that are going to be receiving skins depending on what version of Overwatch you pre-order, I'm hoping everyone else gets skins in the future. I'm trying to figure out how they would make us pick the skins. Do you get to select them while you're picking your characters or would you have to customize your characters before you go into a lobby? I definitely would love to see new skins for everyone.

* More evil characters. Junkrat, Roadhog, Widowmaker, and Reaper obviously are your villain-like characters. Or at least those that look like they would be considered the villains for this game. I would like to see more evil-looking characters be brought into the roster for the future.

* There's only four support characters, eh... I think we could use one-two more. That's not a problem, would it?

* More modes. Capture the flag? Domination from Call of Duty with a twist so it's not identical? While the two modes that we have are fun, it still gets tiresome. We'll most likely get more modes, so this isn't a biggy for me.

* More interactions with the characters. Tracer and Widowmaker are enemies, can we hear some interactions if these two ever come across each other in a match? I definitely would love to see that!

* I know it's already in the making, but I'm just saying I cannot wait for the cartoons and comics to come out for this game!

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