Thursday, July 30, 2015

Call of Duty Experience

I am not going to lie, I like the Call of Duty series. I like it quite a lot. No, I don't think it's the greatest series ever, that goes to Metal Gear Solid. I like it because it's an online first-person shooter and I greatly enjoy two of those factors in a video game. I'm good at the game, I'm not the best, and I certainly do have my off days. I'm a loner, I don't want to be in a clan no matter how many times I get asked. Also, I get a lot of friend requests that I simply will not accept. Every time.

For the longest time, I've been playing with a SMG that I really liked. I customized it to where it has more of a steadiness when I'm aiming down the scopes and such. Afterwards, I started liking a sniper rifle, so I used that alongside with my SMG, customized it to where it wouldn't sway as much while I'm aiming. And not too long ago, I decided to try out a pistol. The irons. Unknown to me, I found out that not too many people actually like it when you play against them with the double irons. Within the last two days, I've been called out three times by people, calling me a "fucking faggot who can't play," by them. One was in a clan, the others were not. I must say though, if you're going to use a derogatory comment to "ridicule" me, at least get my gender right. I know some people tend to think there are guys out there, pretending to be a woman behind the account, but in this case I'm a woman behind the account.

Here's the thing, I'm really good with the revolvers. Ever since I've played Metal Gear Solid, I've always wanted to see what it's like to shoot from them due to Ocelot because he's one of my favorite video game characters. This is probably as close as I'm going to get with that want. Why would I want to play with another gun if I'm really good with the guns I have? I've been told countless of times that anyone who plays this game with double pistols can't play at all.

Except I can. And here's why:

1.) I know how to aim, which is quite hard to do with double pistols since you can't see down the scopes. You literally have to move your entire self into position to get both pistols to hit your opponent. And mind you, I jump around a lot and use the Overclock Exo ability to make me move much faster than anyone else. So I do have to time myself pretty decently in order to get a kill.

2.) I have to struggle with the fact that my guns cannot be modded if I have the akimbo feature because I can't look down the scopes, so anything to enhance my zoom is immediately taken away from me, also, I cannot use the knife because you need one hand for it.

3.) I have to accept that my guns cannot shoot as far as other guns can. Basically like shotguns, unless I use an enhancement, but it's not as good as you think they are. At least to me they're not.

4.) Entering a new prestige mode takes away every customizable feature, therefore it puts me at a disadvantage because I am not so great using just a single pistol with nothing on it. Therefore, building everything up to where I can enjoy the irons is quite an obstacle to clear.

Automatics and such are so simple to use, why use a gun that's too easy to use when I like challenges? I certainly know what I'm doing every time I enter a lobby and want to kick some butt. It's quite fun pissing people off because hey, it's not my fault you ran into me and got outgunned by a double pistol user. Be better next time and we won't have this problem!

I'm the Kitty, and this has been my Call of Duty Experience!


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