Friday, August 19, 2016

Pokemon Go

I should have shared this story back in July, but I felt that Overwatch was more important at the time. Haha.

Well, as you can see, this is clearly a picture taken in a hospital bed. I suffer from a neurological disorder called Vasovagal Syncope. It's a very frustrating condition that causes me to pass out/ faint / collapse due to multiple triggers. Some of these triggers are dehydration, prolong standing, blood pressure dropping, claustrophobic environment. I've been fighting this misdiagnosed condition for almost ten years now and I've been doing my best to keep it under control. When this first started, I was having episodes at least twice a day. Now I managed to have it under control where it happens like every six months or so. But this one time... It was a little different.

So back in July, my cousin was having a graduation party on a mildly Summer day. I was under a tent the entire time, keeping myself hydrated and was thinking about hopping into the pool soon. I also had like a full meal for dinner since they had a taco bar. But out of nowhere, as I stood up, I just collapsed to the ground. 
Now, sometimes when I have these episodes, my body shakes. Some might think that I suffer from Epilepsy, but I can assure you, I don't. When my body shakes, it's got something to do with my blood pressure. But this time, my entire body was shaking so rapidly, my eyes were fixed on something, I was not talking, and this lasted for a good two minutes. 
My two cousins, who are nurses, truly believed I was suffering from a seizure that one of them was about to perform CPR on me because I was not waking up from it. I don't even recall the entire scene, all I can remember is my boyfriend holding me, my mother's hand by my head, and my uncle asking me if I wanted a straw in my water bottle.

Then off to the hospital I went.

This game... kept me from going insane. When I have to go to the hospital after these episodes, I cannot tell you how long it takes to get blood results or any results from whatever they wanted to check on me. Usually I don't have my phone all the time when I do go to the hospital. But this game just kept me from losing my shit.

I'm okay now, just extremely frustrated because that syncopal episode was the first one for this year, and the first in the last nine months of being Syncope free. I have yet to last a year without having an episode.

I'm going to defend people playing this game because I don't think they understand that it definitely can change people's lives. I also have some nasty anxiety to fight, ever since I had a disastrous relationship with a guy who will always be known as a dickface. It's kind of hard to talk to new people, be in a crowd of people, and just be myself without having to think, "Okay, is this person going to judge me harshly on my first word to them?" This game makes me completely forget that I'm shy towards new people, and just go out there and have fun. There have been countless of stories that talks about how this game has changed someone's life and such. Whenever I see someone just bash the crap out of this game, it makes me wonder if this person is happy behind their computers. Is their life really enjoyable or are they just miserable and can't stand to see people enjoying something?

Seriously, this game is fun. This game helps bring people out of their shells. It has done for me, it has also kept my sanity from going insane at a hospital. If you truly hate this game, no one wants to hear your opinions. The good always topples those who are unhappy in life. So enjoy your life, and throw some Pokeballs every once and a while.

I will fulfill my destiny in owning a gym with a strong ass Marowak or Persian! One day!

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